101Smart Ltd.

Adult Beginners

Adult Beginners - 16+ Years old

This class is for adults with moderate, little or no experience doing gymnastics

For individuals aged 16 and above, these are structured coach-led sessions, for adults who are new or fairly-new to the sport. If you're new to gymnastics or want to take your time learning the basics, working your way up - this session is designed for you! This session is built on a friendly atmosphere, to grow the foundations needed for gymnastics so that you can progress through to the harder skills. If you have previous gymnastics experience and are looker for a more advanced adult session please email enquiries@eastongymnasticsclub.com to hear about our higher level, structured class on Friday nights. After your trial session we will allocate you to the most suitable group for your current performance level and progression.

Monthly membership: £29 (£28 for Mondays)
British Gymnastics membership will be required if you join EGC after your trial and is paid for annually.